Adapting to new situations isn’t always easy. In the story, the little girl is reflecting upon the words of someone close to her heart. I can’t say more than that or I’ll give away too much.
I’m still adapting to digital painting. So far I really like the line and hope to come up with a color wash technique that complements the pencil without the rest of the image falling flat.
Hey Anne, how are you? This is absolutely lovely and captivating. Well done.
fantastic! I just love the mysterious colors.
striking image, love how you worked the hair!
gorgeous, love the lighting on this. very masterful.
You have some beautiful and rich illustrations. Your traditional works looks like you use water color wash and colored pencil. I don't have Painter but it seems like watercolor is difficult to replicate digitally. Maybe try mixing your tools in Painter as you would traditional work. Thay may help give the texture you're looking for.
I've found the most difficult things with digital is needing to zoom in and out to not lose sense of the overall composition and not being able to easily rotate the page to adjust the direction of my stroke. Those little things you take for granted with traditional work. But it is nice to have the undo option!
You're doing great keep it up!
Beautiful illo, nice movement and attention to detail.
Hi Anne, I followed a link off of the SCBWI forums and found your blog. You do very nice work!
This piece is just wonderful. The emotion in it is very well done. I like your style!
Beautiful! I'll follow your digital discoveries with interest. I find digital painting such a challenge. I know what I want but working out how to get it with the tools I have is another thing entirely.
hey! i haven't stopped by your site in a bit.. i forgot how friggen good you are! The dragon below is way cool!
Not sure how I missed this one! Wow! Love the colors and the mystery!!
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