Friday, March 20, 2009


Is someone feeling a little left out today, less than a part of something bigger, a self proclaimed minus one equals Mr. Zero…

No, no! Take a step back. You are no Goose Egg!
You are a Bunny, unique in many ways. Do not be so hard on yourself. For one reason, EVERYONE, not just little bunnies (which adds up to a lot), have felt exactly the same way; not just today. And if everybody, including little bunnies (which is more than one bunny can count), would subtract all those days of feeling the same way. Then perhaps, Little Bunny, you are not so alone.


Anonymous said...

Oh Anne I just love your style and work. Your characters are so adorable and your hands skills are amazing.

INDIGENE said...

Amazing contrasts and line work!

jazzlamb said...

lovely characters... and I really like the linework!

Samantha Hughes said...

your work is amazing!

Caroline said...

Lovely illustration - and your works to go with it!